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The G-P-W numbers show approximately how much time it takes to calculate the graphics (G) and the physics (P) to produce 1 second of simulation time. If the simulation tends to run faster than real time, wait time (W) is added.

The G-P-W numbers depend mainly on your hardware, operating system and browser. Yes, we are trying to make the physics solver more efficient.

If light cones are defined (see the Game section below), the number of ◭ icons displayed at the bottom of the statistics panel indicates how many cones did the blue and green vehicles hit so far. When all cones are hit, result time is displayed for each vehicle.

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Control Panel

Clicking on Controls △▽ hides/shows the control panel.

Go: makes it... go.
Stop +1: stop simulation, if clicked again, simulation advances by 1 frame.
-1 tinc: go back to the nearest time increment defined in either blue or green control sequence window.
t → 0: go back to time zero.
+ 👻 : make ghosts at current vehicle positions.
- 👻 : delete all ghosts.

FRF: The frame rate factor allows slowing down the simulation. Range: 0.01 - 1.
NSUB: Number of physics cycles between two rendering cycles.
Loop: run current scenarion again and again.

Cam: various camera modes - try them.

Edit: ✔ or ✘ : control sequence cannot be edited while simulation is running. This helps rememeber that.

Blue and green vehicle control sequence windows: they have 4 columns:

    tinc: time increment.

    steer: percentake of max. steering angle.
               Steering uses linear interpolation between tincs.
               Negative: turning left. Positive: turning right.

    power: percentage of max. power.
               Power has constant value within tinc.

    brake: percentage of max. brake force.
               Brake force has constant value within tinc.

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XML Panel allows you to set some vehicle, scene and scenario attributes in XML format. These settings can then be exported (and loaded) as an XML file. We are still working on better implementation and documentation of this feature.

The XML file can also contain a "story" section. The content of the story section is dispayed under the Story tab.

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The Game

Apart from creating scripted drives, one can choose to play a game. The goal of the game is to drive through all light cones (in the order they are listed in the XML file) in the shortest possible time. Or in the most elegant manner. Try beating the green car!
Ⓒ Troymius LLC